Paul Martin

Over the past 40 years I have had a parallel career to my art in teaching, researching and writing in Adult and Higher Education. As part of this I have written articles, published books and delivered many papers at conferences. The writing here reflects my varied interests in art, creativity, philosophy, learning and being an artist.

To open the following documents click on their titles:

Chpt3TroublesomeCreativitywebsite a chapter published in 2010 in the e–book “Making Space for Creativity” also edited by Paul and published by the University of Brighton.

UnlearningandLearningA&DLTSNwebsite an article published in2002 in the journal “Art, Design and communications in Higher Education” Volume One Number Two. Bristol. ADM.HEA/Intellect.


2011 Martin, P and Martin, V (2011) ‘Learning and the Senses’ a chapter in ‘The Routledge International Handbook of Learning’, Jarvis, P and Watts, M (eds) 2011
2010 Martin, P (ed) (2010) ‘Making Space for Creativity’ e-book published by the University of Brighton. Authored 2 chapters on the ‘Purpose of Higher Education’ and ‘Troublesome Creativity’ and co-authored 10 chapters with various colleagues
2009 Martin, P et al. (2009) ‘Encouraging Creativity in Higher Education: The experience of the Brighton Creativity Centre’ a paper in the book ‘Dialogues in Art and Design’ ADM-HEA/GLAD publication ISBN 978-0-9558978-1-8
2004 Martin, P and Segal, R (eds) (2004) Learning from Innovations. Open University/Higher Education Academy
2004 Martin, P and Segal, R (2004) ‘Meeting the Need’ a chapter in Learning from Innovations. Milton Keynes: Open University/Higher Education Academy.
2004 Martin, P and Wilson, C, (2004) ‘Making Change Happen’ a chapter in Learning from Innovations Milton Keynes: Open University/Higher Education Academy
2004 Martin, P and Segal, R (2004) ‘Learning from Innovations Initiative; a chapter in Learning from Innovations. Milton Keynes:Open University/Higher Education Academy
2002 Baume, C., Martin, P and Yorke, M (eds) (2002) ‘Managing Educational Development Projects London. SEDA/Kogan Page.
2002 Martin, P (2002) ‘Challenging Perceptions of Adult Learners in Fine Art’ a 6000 word article for the journal ‘Art, Design and Communications in Higher Education,’ Volume One Number Two. Bristol. ADM.HEA/Intellect.

Find out more about Paul Martin.

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